Wednesday 11 April 2018

She & He #4

He: What do you think about this IPL protest?
She: Do you remember the 1930s Great Economic Depression that happened in USA?
He: Yes. Why?
She: During that Depression in USA, people queued for only 2 things. Can you guess them?
He: Hmm...One will be food. The other I couldn't guess.
She: It was SOUP & CINEMA.
He: Wait. What? When people had almost no money and food, why they wanted cinema in such a pathetic state?
She: "Fantasy"
He: 🤔
She: Yes, the reason is fantasy.
When people are deprived of basic needs and rights, they seek fantasy to attain a temporary state of happiness.
Cinema is one such fantasy element. A powerful one.
He: Hmm. Ok. But what's the link between this and IPL protest happening here?
She: In TN, there are 2 major fantasy elements.
The first element has been paused for the past few weeks due to the strike from film fraternity. The second element is IPL as per the current relevance.
He: Hmm...So these fantasy elements can reduce the occurence of protests. Am I right?
She: Yes. But only to a certain extent. If, the effect of problem has higher impact than the fantasy elements, that's when protests emerge.
He: 🤔 How?
She: The one thing which majority of the common people consume is MEDIA, irrespective of the various diversities. Now say every form of media you know.
He: Social Media, Youtube, Newspapers, Magazines, TV Channels and Radio.
She: If you remove the Movie and Cricket content in the media you consume, what will exist in majority?
He: Ah...Social problems and happenings.
She: Exactly. What will happen to a person who doesn't have any fantasy elements to escape from reality and gets constantly exposed to Media which expresses social problems and exploitations?
He: Hmm. Some will fear, some will get worried, some will get depressed, some will ignore. And some may get agitated for protesting.
She: You got your answer. This IPL protest is a strong way of protesting from the protestors. Also this indirectly denotes the voice of protestors who don't want any external fantasy elements to lessen the intensity of their protest.
He: Oh. Now I understand. But aren't you exaggerating the power of MEDIA?
She: You can have hundreds of 'WARRIORS' for a huge social cause and protest for it. But a single 'VARRIER' can surpass them. That's Media for you. Now judge yourself. 😎
He: 😱


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